Barbara Harper, RN

Barbara Harper is an internationally recognized expert on waterbirth and gentle
birth. A published author, she founded Waterbirth International in 1987 with one
goal in mind—to ensure that waterbirth is an “available option” for all women. Her vast experience as an obstetric and pediatric nurse, midwife childbirth educator, doula, and doula and midwifery instructor enabled her to develop unique seminars taught within hospitals; nursing, midwifery, and medical schools, and community groups worldwide.

Barbara has dedicated her life to changing the way we welcome babies into the world. She is the mother of three adult children (two born at home in water), and grandmother of
two boys. She is active in her community of Boca Raton, Florida as a midwifery and doula mentor and Blissborn Birth Hypnosis teacher.

Connie Mullen, LM, CPM, CCE

Connie has been in the childbirth profession for over forty years. In addition to her birth credentials, she holds certificates as a fitness instructor, personal trainer and AHA
BLS & Heartsaver instructor. She is an energetic and popular speaker at our conferences (and elsewhere) and currently serves as a member of the ACBP board.

Connie has been married for over forty years and has three wonderful grown children and six beautiful grandchildren. She is also a fairly recent Alaska resident and thoroughly enjoys that environment.

Kristin Schuchmann, CPM, LM

Kristin has been a childbirth educator, doula, lactation counselor, and second-generation midwife.  She remains active as a Florida licensed CPM home birth midwife and as a childbirth educator, doula, and midwifery trainer/instructor and curriculum developer. She is executive director of Charis Childbirth, which offers midwifery academics and education/certification for perinatal professionals, and of Heritage School of Midwifery and Natural Health Sciences.

She lives in southwest Florida and enjoys gardening, kayaking, beach sunshine, preparing healthy gourmet meals, singing, playing piano, exploring nature, and spending time with her family, saying grandmotherhood is the best!

Susan Wilson, RN, CPM

Susan’s journey into midwifery began forty-five years ago when she attended her first out-of-hospital birth as a birth assistant. Since that time, she has delivered over 3,000 babies, both at home and in her clinics. She is passionate about making NRP classes simple and accessible, educating midwives, and leading grief support groups.

Susan has six children, fifteen grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. She enjoys gardening, cooking, and remodeling.

Rita J. Ledbetter, CNM

Rita is a patient-focused and compassion nurse-midwife with over thirty years’ experience in varied areas of women’s health. Her professional recognitions include ACNM fellow and preceptor and several awards for excellence. As a research assistant, she co-published on breastfeeding of low birthweight babies.

Rita is particularly proud of her record of more than 3,500 births with high patient satisfaction and a ten percent cesarean rate. She is currently active on the faculty of a community college nursing program and in several areas of church and community service.

Abbe Keen, DC, CNC

Dr. Keen’s desire to be a doctor dates back to childhood, but her commitment to Christ and chiropractic training changed her perspective dramatically. In her words, “True healing can only result from being whole.”

She seeks to be in relationship with her patients, serving as a guide on their journey through the things that influence their day-to-day health decisions and helping them understand what wellness looks like in their lives right now. She sees her vocation as a place to disciple people to better health, so they can be better versions of themselves for service to their families, their communities, and their God.

Cait Davis, DC, MSCP

Dr. Davis knew she wanted to be a chiropractor when she endured an injury to her lower back as a high school long-distance runner and her chiropractor was able to bring pain relief and healing. During her training, she was drawn to the pediatric and pregnancy populations. and completed specialized training to work with them.

Her faith has truly grown in a beautiful way throughout the years from being a competitive avid distance runner to seeing the Lord’s faithfulness in bringing her through the hills and valleys of such intense schooling and change. Her first priority is to “love on” and build relationships with her patients.

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