Vendor/Donor/Sponsor Registration

Information and Policies
  1. Acceptance: Vendors and their displays, donors, and sponsors will be accepted based on relevance to the vision and mission of the Association of Christian Birth Professionals (ACBP).
  2. Fees: Are shown below.
  3. Forms: The prospective vendor/donor/sponsor will complete the registration form below or submit the information via email to
  4. Notification of Acceptance: The vendor/donor/sponsor will be notified of acceptance by the ACBP Board/Conference Committee. A non-refundable deposit of $25 is due within 30 days of this notification, and the non-refundable balance is due 30 days before the conference opening.
  5. Notification of Hours: Vendors will be notified of move-in/set-up hours, hours to be available to conference attendees, and takedown deadline.
  6. Expectations:
    • A vendor/donor/sponsor in attendance at the conference will maintain a professional demeanor and respect ACBP’s vision, mission, and values and the values of the property’s owner; ACBP reserves the right to dissolve the relationship with any vendor/donor/sponsor who does not honor this request.
    • ACBP reserves the right to restrict or decline displays that become objectionable because of noise, method of operation, theme, or materials or that in general detract from the general character and mission of ACBP.
    • Vendors/donors/sponsors or their representatives may not damage or deface the walls of the building or adjacent fixtures or structures; if such damage occurs, the vendor/donor/sponsor is liable to the owner of the property for property damage.
    • All materials must be confined to the assigned space.
    • ACBP is not responsible for loss or damage—the vendor/donor/sponsor is solely responsible for his/her material and should insure against loss or damage. All items of value should be secured, and all property of the vendor/donor/sponsor is understood to remain in his/her care, custody, and control in transit to and from and within the confines of the conference area.
    • Federal, state, and city laws, including fire and safety laws, must be strictly observed. All materials used in displays must be flameproof. Smoking is prohibited in conference areas. Exhibits cannot block aisles or fire exits. Storage of any kind cannot be between tables and the back wall. Please also refer to policies specific to the venue.
  7. Cancellation: Vendor/sponsor/donor fees are non-refundable, and notice of cancellation must be received no later than 30 days before the conference opening unless otherwise approved by the Board. When cancellation is received timely, vendor/donor registration fees that have been paid may be transferred to another approved party or carried forward to the following year’s conference, with the vendor/donor/sponsor responsible for any fee increases.


ACBP Member Single Vendor Space with a 6-foot Table (September 11 &12, 2024—includes one lunch each day) $85.00
ACBP Non-Member Single Vendor Space with 6-foot Table (September 11 &12, 2024—includes one lunch each day) $100.00
ACBP Member Additional Lunch (September 11 or 12, 2024) $20.00
ACBP Non-Member Additional Lunch (September 11 or 12, 2024) $25.00
ACBP Member Additional Gala Dinner (Thursday, September 12, 202) $35.00
ACBP Non-Member Additional Gala Dinner (Thursday, September 12, 2024) $45.00
Conference Sponsor (Bronze—includes one gala ticket) $250.00
Conference Sponsor (Silver—includes two gala tickets) $500.00
Conference Sponsor (Gold—includes half off conference registration, including two lunches and gala dinner) $1,000.00
Conference Sponsor (Diamond—includes one conference registration, including two lunches and gala dinner) $1,500.00+


Please indicate your desired options in the request form below. ACBP will respond regarding acceptance and total fees for the selected options.

Vendor/Donor/Sponsor Request Form